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Together with our Partners

Bijoux Investment Group – the brainchild of Father and Daughter, Keith and Sarah Vines take pride in their many working relationships, whether they be the people on the ground or their joint venture partners.  Renovating these homes together can be heartwarming.

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The ‘ground team’ is a handpicked selection of people in each of the towns we invest in. They are our realtors, contractors, inspectors, insurance brokers, lawyers/notaries, home cleaners, snow removal & yard care services.  These people bring their talents and experiences to the group, engaging our scrutinized methods while undergoing checks 

Our ‘joint venture partners’ are like-minded people.  They are a keen and thoughtful group from all walks of life. Each partner chooses their rate of investment based on their comfort and ability, ranging from $5,000 to over $100,000. Some of our investors just request bi-weekly updates, while others enjoy taking a more active interest in the project.  They follow the renovation closely, inspecting the progress photos and enjoying the art of rehabilitation of older, neglected houses to nicely finished affordable homes. It’s so rewarding, to hear the gracious comments of our appreciative buyers.

 and balances along the way.  We are all in regular contact with one another, taking pride in every detail.   Without these amazing people, we could not achieve our accomplishments.

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